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The 22 Irrefutable Laws of Advertising by: Michael Newman

Dicky Rinaldo as a Drummer

1. The law of simplicity (By Marcello Serpa)
​Di dunia periklanan yang sudah sangat cluttered saat ini, terkadang sesuatu yang simple justru dapat stand out dan mudah dimengerti oleh konsumen.
2. The Law of Positioning (by Al Ries)
“ Positioning is not what you do to the product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect.”
a. The Open Hole
Mencari celah pasar yang belum dimasuki oleh competitor
b. The New Category
​Menciptakan kategori baru
c. The Number Two Brand
Walaupun sudah ada primary brand di pasar, untuk menjadi nomor dua yang sukses tetap dibutuhkan differensiasi yang kuat dan bukan hanya claim kualitas yang lebih baik.
d. The Specialist
​Produk hanya melayani satu kategori spesifik
e. The Channel Brand
Produk sama namun dengan modifikasi tertentu baik nama, kemasan dsb, untuk channel distribusi yang berbeda
f. The Gender Brand
​Produk yang mengkhususkan pada satu gender tertentu
3. The Law of Consistency (Ian Batey)
Value yang dimiliki oleh suatu produk harus konsisten dan setiap kegiatan pemasaran harus memiliki benang merah yang jelas.
Sebuah merek dibentuk dari tiga komponen, yaitu the body (tangible aspects), the soul (the emotional side), and the conscience (“pay back” responsibility).
4. The Law of Selling (by Dave Trout)
Sebuah pemasaran yang baik adalah pemasaran yang mampu menciptakan penjualan.
5. The Law of Emotion (John Shaw)

6. The Law of Love (Kevin Roberts)

7. The Law of Experience (Kash Shree)

8. The Law of Relevance (Anne Bologna)
“People don’t read ads, they read what interest them and sometimes its an ad” – George Gossage.
Understand the world understand the trends.

9. The Law of Humour (James Lowther)

10. The Law of Disruption (Jean-Marie Dru)
Three Disruption Methodology:
– Convention à A widely accepted belief
– Disruption à A radical new idea to help reach the vision faster
– Vision à A projection of the company/brand into the future, a big idea to aspire to​

11. The Law of Jump (Sebastian Turner)
Originality is the wow factor

12. The Law of Fascination (Reg Bryson)
a. The “strong” theory – advertising is indeed persuasive
b. The “weak” theory – advertising’s key role is one of reinforcement and reminder
13. The Law of Irreverence (Jim Aitchison)

14. The Law of Taste (Allen Rosenshine)
“Customer is King”

15. The Law of Topicality
Something interesting that happened today

16. The Law of The Silver Elephant (Graham Warsop)
Great advertising (powerful, distinctive, relevant work that increases sales and builds brand value) relies on the imagination of one or more individuals who have desire: (1) to bring something into the world that never existed before (2) to do so in such a way that it surpases what has been done before.
17. The Law of The Chat (Neil French)
Pay attention to who are we talking to!

18. The Law of Nice (Jamie Barrett)

19. The Lore of Negativity

20. The Law of Execution
Put your idea into reality. There is a big difference between idea and execution

21. The Law of Evolution
Be up to date

22. The outlaw (MT Rainey)
When you have just come up with a brilliant idea, sold it to the client and are about to go into production, a competitor will immediately publish the said idea in an executional form far inferior to that which you had envisaged, causing you to go back to the drawing board from whence you came, with the deadline from hell.

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